25 Affirmations for Emotional Strength & Positive Emotions!

If you are reading this, we are sure that you are looking for some motivation in life from affirmations for emotional strength. Being physically strong is very important, but physical strength will not solve any purpose if you are not emotionally strong. People, who are blessed with emotional strength, take the right decisions in life, and are extremely successful at whatever they do. This is because they deal with emergencies well, and think with a calm head.

We are not born emotionally strong. We have to develop some habits in the course of our lives, which will make us strong. You might get that surge of emotional strength and confidence when you read some positive quotes or self-help books. However, these feelings are short-lived. If you have to learn the trick of letting things go and march forward with a cool and relaxed mindset, you should take the help of affirmations.

What does it take to be emotionally strong?

Emotionally strong people are full of gratitude for their lives. They don’t carry any grudges, and lead a very peaceful life. They don’t let anything disturb their thoughts; therefore, they don’t feel the stress and tension that others would feel. If you thought that emotionally strong people have no challenges or hardships in their lives, you are mistaken.

They do have their own challenges, but the difference between others and them is that they learn to overcome these challenges confidently, and bounce back in their lives. You should treat these challenges as learning opportunities. It has to consider failures and hardships as rich experiences that have taught them something new.

To be emotionally stable, and treat success and failure equally, you don’t have to undergo any strenuous training modules. The trick to getting your emotional balance on track is to make the most of the powerful tool that you have- your mind! Positive affirmations are nothing but positive thoughts that activate the neuro-receptors in your subconscious mind. When you keep repeating affirmations for emotional strength regularly, you will notice that you are able to recover quickly even when you face setbacks, without getting disturbed or stressed.

Why practice affirmations for emotional strength?

If you are reading this article, we assume that you must have realized the power of positive affirmations by now. While you know that these affirmations get captured in your subconscious mindset and involuntarily change your mindset, you may still have doubts about their efficacy in improving emotional strength.

When you practice affirmations to gain emotional strength, here are the results that you will get to enjoy:

Controlled reaction to setbacks

Affirmations for emotional strength are not magical pills that will immediately change your mindset when you face setbacks or failures. They also don’t guarantee that you will face success all the time. However, the most important benefit you will get to enjoy from these affirmations is that you will get less disappointed or less angry when things don’t go your way. It is quite natural for you to feel sad when things don’t fall in place, according to your plans.

However, affirmations stop the sadness from engulfing you in depression. They give you the power to control your reaction to setbacks. Thanks to these affirmations, you will bounce back quickly, as your mind would start thinking about alternative methods to succeed. These affirmations will not make you dwell in your problems, but motivate you to  think of Plan B, and work towards it.

Flexibility and adaptability

When you keep repeating positive affirmations for emotional strength aloud many times, you will become more open and flexible than you ever were. You learn to accept your mistakes, and implement the learnings in your new plan. As a result, you keep your mind open not to repeat the same mistakes and do things innovatively to achieve the desired results. It would help if you remembered that you are bound to face many setbacks in life, whether you practice affirmations or not.

The main difference here is when you don’t practice affirmations. This leads to anger and disappointment. Nevertheless, when you practice affirmations, you know to come out of those challenges by thinking of different workarounds. Your mind is open to accept new solutions and be as flexible as possible.

Self-belief and confidence

When you experience failure in your business venture or anything that you do in life, your first thought is usually in these lines – I am not cut out for the job, I cannot do this, I don’t have the skills to do this, etc. When these self-sabotaging thoughts take over, you are left with absolutely no motivation to forget your failure and move on.

One of the best things that affirmations can teach you is self-belief. When you say statements like, I can do this, I can get over this challenge easily, I have alternate solutions planned for this job, I am a trustworthy person, etc. you will start respecting and loving yourself. When you accept and love yourself, as you are, without any conditions, that’s a huge bonus to gaining emotional strength.

Vision of the big picture

Affirmations for emotional strength always keep you in control by helping you manifest the bigger picture always. You start manifesting how successful and emotionally controlled you are. Therefore, your brain starts to behave in a way that you are already emotionally strong. So, even when you face small setbacks in life, you will realize that they don’t matter in the long run. This feeling makes it easy for you to let go and move forward in life.

Emotional strength is not a character that you should be born with. You can easily learn to have control of your emotions when you practice the right affirmations for the same. Please ensure that you practice these affirmations just before you go to bed or as soon as you wake up, for the best results. Also, please wait for these affirmations to work for you naturally. This way, you can be assured of permanent results.



"I believe that can, and so, I will."


"I don't dwell in the past or feel sorry for myself. I move on."


"I don't give away my strength. I stay in control."


"I welcome challenges and embrace change."


"I will let go of what I can't change or control."


"I don't complain about trivial things that don't matter."


"I will be kind and unafraid to speak up for what is right."


"I believe in taking calculated risks that have the potential to aid my growth."


"I spend my energy in the present and not the past."


"I learn from my mistakes and accept full responsibility for the past."


"I admire others' successes without resentment."


"I am prepared to fail because failure is a chance to improve."


"I enjoy my company."


"The world owes me nothing."


"I am adequate to work and succeed on merit."


"Patience is critical because results are not instantaneous."


"I frequently review my core beliefs to stay grounded."


"I spend my mental energy wisely and shun unfruitful thoughts."


"I will replace negative thoughts with fruitful thoughts."


"The Universe helps me move in the right direction."


"I understand and endure discomfort because not everything can be controlled."


"I reflect on my journey every day."


"I am way stronger than I think."


"I am smarter than I know."


"I am valuable and worthy of the very best."

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